Cox's Orange Pippin
Apple – National Heritage

Apple – National Heritage
Early october
Planting Position
Regarded as the classic quintessentially English dessert apple. Valued for its complex flavours and its striking and attractive orange-red colouring. Raised in 1825 by Richard Cox, a retired brewer of Colnbrook Lawn, near Slough, Buckinghamshire. It was probably a seedling of Ribston Pippin (possibly crossed with Blenheim Orange). Though not introduced until 1850, it then became very popular for its rich, juicy, sweet and tangy flesh, and for its good storing properties. It now accounts for the majority of domestic commercial orchards but unfortunately, England's greatest apple is not particularly easy to grow. It needs a relatively cool climate and is prone to diseases such as canker and scab. Traditionally used when at its best, from November to Christmas, but it will keep until February.